\section*{Data Management Plan} \label{sec:DMP} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% %%% Proposers are urged to refer to the following documents in preparing their DMPs: %%% %%% %%% %%% 1. ROSES Appendix C.1, Section 3.6.1 %%% %%% 2. Planetary Science Division FAQ for Data Management Plans %%% %%% (which will appear under "other documents" on NSPIRES pages in Appendix C) %%% %%% 3. NASA Plan for Increasing Access to the Results of Scientific Research %%% %%% (https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/206985_2015_nasa_plan-for-web.pdf), Part A, Sections 1 – 6. %%% %%% %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \begin{enumerate} \item \textbf{Overview of the data that will be produced by the proposed project:} % % (Describe project data needed to validate the scientific conclusions of % peer-reviewed publications - especially data underlying figures, maps, % and tables - as well as data that would enable future research and/or % the replication/reproduction of published results. If the project would % produce data that are exempted in the NASA Plan for Increasing Access to % the Results of Scientific Research, or no data that are scientifically % appropriate for public release, explain why.) % % YOUR TEXT HERE % \item \textbf{Data types, volume, formats, and, where relevant, standards:} % % (Describe the major types of data produced by the project [e.g., images, % 1-dimensional spectra, multidimensional tables]; the approximate amount % of each type expected [e.g., 300 1-dimensional spectra, each of ~10kB]; % the format of the data, [e.g., FITS image files, ASCII tables, Excel % spreadsheets]; and any applicable standards for the data or metadata content % or format [e.g., PDS4, EarthChem].) % % YOUR TEXT HERE % \item \textbf{Schedule for data archiving and sharing:} % % (Provide an anticipated schedule or timeline for when project data would % be prepared for and deposited in the repository and when they would become % publicly available. A timeline relative to the publication of major % results is acceptable. Please use project years and quarters rather than % calendar years and quarters.) % % YOUR TEXT HERE % \item \textbf{Intended repositories for archived data and mechanisms for public access and distribution:} % % (State where the project data are intended to be archived, and describe % the terms under which data would be made available by the repository. % Repositories are expected to provide data without restriction or fees % other than the nominal costs of reproduction and shipping; i.e., they must % be publicly accessible with no paywall. If no appropriate repository exists, % please explain the situation and state what steps will be taken to provide % some degree of access.) % % YOUR TEXT HERE % \item \textbf{Plan for enabling long-term preservation of the data:} % % (State how the intended repositories will preserve the data and provide % public access on a time-scale of one decade or longer.) % % YOUR TEXT HERE % \item \textbf{Software archiving plan:} % % (Describe plans to archive any software required to enable future research % and/or the replication/reproduction of published results [see full % instructions in ROSES Appendix C.1]. Software should be made publicly % available when it is practical and feasible to do so and when there is % scientific utility in doing so. Any source code that is made publicly % available should be distributed, with appropriate documentation, via % GitHub, the PDS, or other appropriate community-recognized repository. % If software would be developed but not archived, explain why.) % % YOUR TEXT HERE % \item \textbf{Roles and responsibilities of team members for data management:} % % (Explain which team members would perform data archiving tasks and % indicate explicitly what those tasks would be. If there are costs % associated with data archiving, those must appear – with explanation – % in the proposal budget.) % % YOUR TEXT HERE % \end{enumerate}